BL Lashes Gel Glue Remover for Eyelash Extensions

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Product Overview

BL Lashes Gel Glue Remover

This is a must for every lash professional, whether removing someone else's messy lash application or just starting over fresh the Gel Remover lays on the lash while breaking down the glue. Other liquid removers will run in to your clients eyes and burn, and will dry out before the glue has been broke down. For removal instructions see below:

 Suggested Removal Procedures

1. Have the client lay down with eyes closed during removal procedure.
2. With the eyes closed (not yours ) use a Q-Tip and apply the Gel/Cream Remover to top and bottom of
each lash in a upward motion. Allow it to sit for approx 45-90 seconds.
3. Continue to brush upward away from the eye with the Q-Tip and the Glue should begin to
release from the natural lash. Do NOT get it in their eyes or touch any skin!!
4. Once lashes are loose, use your tweezers to remove the remaining lashes and glue.
5. Make sure to have a damp cloth available for the client to immediately clean their eyes off
after the removal.
Note:A Vetus round tip tweezer (2A-SA) can also be used to safely pinch remover on to the lash
and massage it in until the lash releases.